Mission & Philosophy

Mission & Philosophy

Jesus instructed: "Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make my disciples; baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be there with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28: 19-21).

Since 1955, St. John Brebeuf Catholic School has educated the children of Niles, Illinois, and surrounding communities.

In a statement developed by SJB School teachers and staff in April 2017, there are four core components of our school’s mission:

Faith:  We believe in God and our faith leads us in our daily lives.

Community:  Each member of the school and parish community plays an important role in the growth and success of our children.

Mindset:  We believe in the power of “Yet.” We encourage students to embrace their learning journey and develop a never-ending passion for knowledge.

Academic:  We emphasize academic excellence by focusing on physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth.

SJB School is a family. We are a community that is racially, ethnically, and economically diverse. Through a focus on personalized learning and deep Catholic faith, SJB School provides rigorous preparation for student success in high school, college, and life.

St. John Brebeuf is a Catholic school where human culture and knowledge -- enlightened and strengthened by faith -- is shared in a spirit of trust, discipline, and love.

Our school is a living faith community. We witness the presence of Jesus in everything we do.

The unique role of St. John Brebeuf School is to provide a Christian philosophy and moral value system to our students as they grow and develop new skills. We encourage academic excellence and embrace individual differences. We help students learn to make good decisions as youth, and our parish community actively supports their continued development as teens and adults.

Teachers and parents share responsibility with students for spiritual, moral, and academic growth.

By example, by learning experiences, by faith sharing, by liturgy, by service, students are encouraged, strengthened, taught, supported, and gently led toward shaping the future that is theirs.

Welcome to St. John Brebeuf School family. We are glad you are here.

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